Tagged with: Carissa Caramanis

October 10, 2018
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation Releases Position Statement on the Use of Mobile Technology to Help Save Lives Threatened by Sudden Cardiac Arrest
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation has announced its support of mobile apps designed to engage CPR-trained individuals through a position statement adopted by its board and released to the public today, during Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, an official national observance. PulsePoint is highlighted as an app that has great potential to increase bystander response and initiation of CPR and AED use.
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation announced its support of mobile apps designed to engage CPR-trained individuals, such as PulsePoint, through a position statement adopted by its board…
Filed Under: Event, Highlights, News, Press Release | Tagged With: AED Registry, Carissa Caramanis, Henry Jampel, Position Statement, SCAF, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, Verified Responder