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PulsePoint Respond

We’re Feelin’ The Love

Thank you to the 175,000 people who took the time to rate PulsePoint Respond and felt our work was worthy of 5 stars. We mark this milestone with great excitement and tremendous appreciation for our user community.

Since launching PulsePoint in 2011, we’ve always sought feedback about our apps’ performance. Without it, we know we could not continue to improve. Through your reviews and ratings, the PulsePoint Foundation has continuously adapted and strengthened our products to better meet the needs of our users. We look forward to celebrating our next milestone with you.

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PulsePoint Respond 175,000 5-Star App Store Reviews Badge

Pulsepoint Respond


“Sudden Cardiac Arrest is not just a job for emergency responders but rather a community-based issue that requires a community-based response.” – International Association of Fire Chiefs “In no other medical situation is there such a vital reliance on the community.”

You know the difference early CPR and defibrillation can make in a Sudden Cardiac Arrest event. Fifty-seven percent of U.S. adults say they’ve had CPR training, and most would be willing to use CPR or an AED to help save a stranger’s life. Yet only 11% say they’ve used CPR in an actual emergency—that’s a number we can increase together.

When that life-threatening call comes in emergency responders will be ready. But what if someone was already at the scene, applying lifesaving CPR and defibrillation until they arrive? With PulsePoint, the dispatch center immediately alerts CPR-trained individuals about nearby cardiac arrest events through the free PulsePoint Respond mobile app, and also lets them know the location of the closest AEDs.

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PulsePoint AED

Get the App.
Build the Registry.
Help Save lives.

When CPR-trained individuals receive an alert from PulsePoint Respond, it tells them where a cardiac arrest event is happening and where they can find the nearest AED. Data on AED locations can often be missing, inaccurate, or simply not detailed enough to make the devices easy to find in an emergency. That’s where the PulsePoint AED app and AED Registry can make a big difference.

With the free PulsePoint AED app, citizens can help even before a life is in danger by easily identifying AEDs throughout the community. Users place the AED location on a map, add business and descriptor information and submit photos of the AED in the context of its surroundings. Local agencies receive this information for review and verification.

Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) telecommunicators are a critical link in the cardiac arrest chain of survival. With the PulsePoint AED Registry, instead of asking the caller if there is an AED available, emergency communications center staff can inform callers of nearby lifesaving devices.

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User taking a photo of an AED with PulsePoint AED for the community registry.

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Case Study




The lifesaving potential of PulsePoint is only available in communities where it has been implemented by the local Fire/EMS agency with the assistance of our professional services team.

Our professional services staff assists with integrating PulsePoint into the local emergency communications center and provides the insight and tools necessary to ensure widespread community adoption of PulsePoint Respond and PulsePoint AED.


A team with vast experience in public safety and project management enable high-quality deployments. Based on lessons learned from prior PulsePoint implementations, our staff will validate that your project adheres to methods proven to deliver lifesaving results.

Our entire team, including many volunteers, bring a shared passion for helping public agencies improve emergency response and save more lives.

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1. Project Management. PulsePoint professional services include timely, cost-effective project management, helping ensure a smooth integration and freeing up your internal resources for other critical tasks.

2. CAD Integration. PulsePoint has created a smarter, faster and more successful way to connect to computer-aided dispatch systems – avoiding the complication and complexity of traditional CAD interfaces.

3. AED Support. The PulsePoint AED app and Registry ensure that the location of nearby AEDs are immediately known during an emergency.

4. Community Outreach. PulsePoint provides a comprehensive community outreach strategy along with a robust set of localized marketing and engagement tools.