Tagged with: Fairfield County

November 30, 2021
Fairfield County, Ohio Wins Inaugural PulsePoint AED Contest
County will receive $5,000 grant for the purchase of public defibrillators.
The PulsePoint Foundation, a public non-profit 501(c)(3), announced today that Fairfield County, Ohio has won the inaugural PulsePoint AED Contest, winning a $5,000 grant to purchase AEDs for public safety staff and/or the community. The contest took place during the month of October, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, and was eligible to any community using PulsePoint AED to locate and register AEDs. Fairfield County, with the help of Fairfield Medical Center’s Community Heart Watch Committee, collectively registered 238 AEDs at locations throughout the county including schools, government buildings, places of worship and sports centers. Once the newly registered AEDs are vetted by public safety personnel their location will be made available to emergency responders during cardiac emergencies.
Filed Under: Press Release, Event, Highlights, News | Tagged With: 911 dispatchers, AED, AED Registry, aed.new, Public AED Registry, PulsePoint AED Registry, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, AED Contest, Fairfield Medical Center, Community Heart Watch, Fairfield County, Michelle George, AED Program Management, National AED registry, 911 AED Registry, Register AED, AED Grant