Tagged with: King County Fire Chiefs Association

June 3, 2022
King County Fire Chiefs Association / Medic One Foundation Adopt Life-saving App
Goal to Turn Thousands into PulsePoint Civilian Responders
King County Fire Chiefs Association and Medic One Foundation today announced the county-wide launch of PulsePoint, a free life-saving mobile app that notifies users when someone nearby is in cardiac arrest and needs immediate help. The announcement highlights National CPR & AED Awareness Week, June 1-7, 2022.
"When a person goes into sudden cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR reduces their chance of survival, so immediate help from a bystander who can do CPR is critical," said Dr. Tom Rea, Emergency Medical Services Program Director for King County.
Filed Under: Press Release, Highlights, News | Tagged With: Medic One Foundation, King County Fire Chiefs Association, Tom Rea, NORCOM 911, Valley Communications, King County, King County EMS, Snohomish County